Tax Preparation

Volunteer Income Tax Assistance, or VITA, is a free tax preparation program provided by IRS Certified volunteers. Volunteers prepare tax returns for households grossing less than $37,000 or multiple person returns for households grossing less than $57,000

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We prepare Federal, State, and Property Tax Returns. A tax refund can be up to 30% of a household’s annual budget. It can pay for child care, medical expenses, transportation, asset building, and more as a family works to become economically self-sufficient. Minnesota has new tax credits to benefit families with children. All families with children should file a tax return for the 2023 tax year. Information and referrals for other services are also made to those seeking assistance.

Appointments are offered in Maple Lake, Montrose and Howard Lake. Call 320-963-6500 and push 0 to make an appointment.

*Important note: we are no longer accepting original documents

(320) 963 - 6500 ext. 269

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