
WCCA’s Weatherization program helps income eligible Wright County residents conserve energy, lower fuel costs, and provide safer, more habitable dwellings for their families.

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We employ qualified contractors to complete conservation measures that reduce families’ overall energy burden and improve their physical environment. By making these much-needed repairs, we target high energy bills at their source and help to create safer, healthier homes for the families we serve.

WCCA provides this service to both renters and home-owners. We specifically focus on assisting economically disadvantaged clients, primarily the elderly, persons with disabilities and families with children. Whenever possible, weatherization funds are coordinated with other WCCA funds and services to better serve the needs of participating households.

When weatherizing a home, WCCA uses a proven testing procedure. We perform an energy audit, provide energy education, and install conservation measures tailored to each individual structure. The conservation measures we install are as efficient as they are vital. Each one meets a required savings to investment ratio. The program is available to Wright County homeowners and renters who meet Energy Assistance eligibility requirements.

To request an application, please contact us at (320) 963-6500 or at


(320) 963 - 6500

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